The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
تصنيف:To be checked
This category is added to the Talk Page of Page of the multilingual demographic dictionary (i.e. [10], [11], ... [92]) if the page needs to be checked or double checked by somebody.
A page will be classified in this category if you add {{To be checked}} on top of the corresponding Talk Page.
The most frequent reason for a page to be checked by somebody is a missing term (a so-called TextTerm) to be translated in the current language.
The missing terms are identified by their page (for example 10), section (for example 102) and note within the section (for example 8 for conjoncture démographique). The script which has been entered by the robot is similar to:
* {{missing French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} * {{missing German term|10|104|104-7|GermanNewTextTerm=Bevölkerungsgeographie}}
And it is displayed with some useful links: to the section of the page as well as to the named page (which is a excerpt of the page but which also includes a table with other translations).
- If the demographic expression or word can be translated, you should enter your translation and once you are finished, just change missing by translated:
* {{translated French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}}--~~~
Please add your signature --~~~~ as usual in Talk pages.
- If you think that the demographic expression can't be translated, just replace missing by untranslatable. You should probably discuss your point by adding a line before your signature and indenting it by a double colon. The next person will respond by adding a new line indented by two semi-colons and his/her signature:
* {{untranslatable French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} : This is a French expression which still has no meaning in English. --[E Van de Walle]: 1982 :: This expression exists in many other languages.--~~~
If all the missing TextTerms of a page are now translated or untranslatable, the page will reach either the 1981 standard (French), 1982 standard (English), 1985 standard (Spanish) or, better, the last standard of 1987 (German). And the page will automatically (needs some time for the cache of a category to be updated) belong to one or all of the following categories:
- Category:Coherent with the 1981-standard (French) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1982-standard (English) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1985-standard (Spanish) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1987-standard (German) or
In order to suppress the To be checked script of a Talk page of a page, each translated or untranslatable page must be double checked :
* {{untranslatable French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} : This was a French expression which still has no meaning in English. --[E Van de Walle]: 1982 :: This expression exists in many other languages.--[L Henry]: 1982 ::: I think that the discussion is over for all terms of this page, I suppressed the "To be checked".~~====
See also
تصنيفات فرعية
هذا التصنيف يحوي ٥ تصنيفات فرعية، من إجمالي ٥.